What are the classifications of Coconut oil? What do you mean by initial extraction, refining, and f

According to different preparation methods and raw materials, Coconut oil is generally divided into coconut crude oil (coconut oil), refined Coconut oil (RBD), fractionated Coconut oil and primary Coconut oil (VCO).

Note: VCO stands for VIRGIN COCONUT OIL, where VIRGIN means original and natural, and some literatures also call primary Coconut oil as original Coconut oil or natural Coconut oil. It is also called "virgin Coconut oil" in Taiwan. It means that the oil is pure and free from added foreign substances, basically maintaining the original color and flavor bestowed by nature, and the processing process should be as simple as possible; RBD is the prefix of three English words: REFINED, BLEACHED, and DEODORIZED.

1. Coconut crude oil

It refers to the Coconut oil, also known as coconut hair oil, which is made from coconut as raw material (coconut is made from coconut meat by means of sun exposure, smoking, and heating in the kiln) through pressing or leaching processes. Coconut crude oil has a darker color and is not suitable for direct consumption due to its high acidity, poor taste, and odor. It is often used in industry.

2. Refined Coconut oil

Refers to Coconut oil produced from coconut crude oil through degumming, deacidification, decoloration, deodorization and other refining processes. Refining Coconut oil has improved the acidity, taste and odor of coconut crude oil, but its rich nutrients, such as phenols, antioxidants, vitamins, have also been largely lost. Refined Coconut oil, colorless and tasteless, is mostly used in cosmetics and food industry.

Note: Refined Coconut oil is divided into different grades according to the degree of processing. The best refined Coconut oil, colorless and tasteless; The inferior refined Coconut oil is slightly yellow and has a slight odor. The lowest grade Coconut oil is dark yellow and has a strong taste, but it is not the fresh Coconut oil with the fragrance of coconut, and even has the smell of chemical solvents. The lowest refined Coconut oil is often used as skin care material for soap and cosmetics, and sometimes it is also sold as vegetable oil. This oil is harmless to the body and edible, but its taste is worse than other grades of Coconut oil- Baidu Baike

In life, refined Coconut oil is suitable for making fried chicken and chips because it can withstand higher cooking temperature. It is worth noting that in order to extend the shelf life of refined Coconut oil, some businesses will increase hydrogen in it, and Coconut oil will generate Trans fat because of hydrogen, so when buying refined Coconut oil, you need to pay attention to the ingredients marked on the product package.

3. Primary Coconut oil

It refers to the use of mechanical pressing method, which involves low-temperature cold pressing (without chemical refining, decolorization, or deodorization), to extract from mature fresh coconut meat rather than dried coconut. Oil can be consumed directly, with advantages such as good taste, pure coconut aroma, no odor, and rich nutrition, and can be used for food cooking and baking.

In short, because the coconut meat is untreated and unprocessed, the oil obtained is called "primary" Coconut oil, or "super primary" Coconut oil.

Note: There is no essential difference between extra virgin Coconut oil and extra virgin Coconut oil. The processing technology is the same, except that some manufacturers call fresh coconut as raw material (processed within 24~72 hours after picking) extra virgin, but do not see

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