Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT)

MCT-Containing Foods

Medium Chain Triglycerides(MCT) naturally occur in foods such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil, milk, and breast milk, and have long been a part of dietary fats.


Breast milk



Milk and dairy products



Coconut oil, palm kernel oil


Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT)

MCT  in nutrition refers to Medium Chain Fatty Acid Triglycerides formed by esterifying fatty acids with glycerol with a carbon chain length of 8-12.


Triglycerides are formed by esterifying 3 fatty acids with 1 glycerol molecule.



Typical MCTs refer to saturated caprylic triglycerides, saturated capric triglycerides, or a mixture of saturated caprylic and capric triglycerides.


MCTs: C8, C10, C12 (e.g. Caprylic Acid) Sources: Coconut, Palm Kernel, Milk, and Breast Milk


LCFAs: C>12 (e.g. 16-C Fatty Acid) Sources: Soy, Peanut, Olive, Corn, etc.

Metabolic Mechanisms of MCFAs and LCFAs

In fact, the fatty acids in the edible oils we commonly use in our daily lives, such as soybean oil, peanut oil, olive oil, corn oil, are mostly long-chain fatty acids.


MCFAs are digested and absorbed about 10 times faster than LCFAs due to their direct absorption into the portal vein for oxidation in the liver without the need for bile emulsification or re-synthesis into triglycerides.

Goldencoco MCT Oil

MCT oil is commonly used in ketogenic, bulletproof, and low-carb diets to boost satiety, maintain food flavor, and improve texture.

Content: 98% C8 MCT Oil

Source: Coconut oil

Features: High stability, fast absorption, quick energy supply, no accumulation

Smoke point: around 140°C

Usage: Do not heat; directly spread on bread, add to salads, yogurt, lattes, bulletproof coffee, etc.


Common uses and recipes for MCT oil:

1.Bulletproof coffee: Mix 15ml of MCT oil, 15g of unsalted butter, and a cup of black coffee.

2.Bulletproof rice: Add about 1-2ml of MCT oil to each cup of rice before cooking to make bulletproof rice.

3.Energy supplementation: Take 5ml of MCT oil, 1-3 times a day, as a daily health supplement.

4.Add 3-5ml of MCT oil to dishes such as noodles, blanched vegetables, salads, etc., to enhance flavor and nutrition.

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coffee yogurt
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salad soup
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juice Smoothies

5.Food preparation:Ideal for water sautéing, medium-low heat baking, and pastries; not for high-heat frying due to MCT oil's low smoke point (140°C).


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stir-fry fry

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